Competent and beautiful Ayurveda center in Sri Lanka
Cures, detoxify and eat well at the same time
Nestled in an enchanting tropical garden, Thaulle Resort is nestled on the shores of Lake Yoda, a peaceful bird paradise in southern Sri Lanka. The certified Ayurveda center belonging to the design and organic hotel is located in a separate building. In this way, guests can engage in their healing treatment in an undisturbed atmosphere. It is headed by Dr. Upul M. Rajapakshe, who comes from a family of Sri Lankan doctors and is one of the most renowned Ayurveda doctors in the country. He stands by his guests during their “Panchakarma” cure, guides them conscientiously and humorously through the detox days. He monitors their well-being and exactly what they are served in the restaurant. There, her personal menu consists of freshly prepared, delicious organic food. dr Upul’s goal and wish: a long,
Purifying treatments that balance body and mind
Dr. Upul begins the spa treatment, for which the guest should allow two to four weeks, with an eye, skin, tongue and pulse diagnosis. He measures blood pressure, asks about (chronic) complaints and collects medically relevant information. Relaxation, detoxification, anti-aging, slimming: the wishes are as diverse as the guests. The conversation, but also the way someone talks and moves, is included in the anamnesis. In this way, the senior doctor can assign his patients to the Ayurvedic types “Vata”, “Pitta”, “Kapha” and mixed forms of these and identify any disturbances of the “Doshas”. Everything together forms the basis for a therapy plan that is personally tailored to the patient.
“No guest gets the same treatment in Thaulle ,” says Dr. upul. “The menu and the supporting medication are always put together individually.” He has been treating European spa guests for many years, some of them he has practiced in German spa centers.
Eat yourself full and happy with curries and fruits
Patients who want to lose weight during the detoxification cure do not have to starve on a bland diet, but can eat their fill in Thaulle. dr Upul insists on three meals a day. Tropical fruits such as mango, banana, papaya and passion fruit are on the menu, as well as intensively spiced vegetable and fish curries with red wholegrain rice, which is typical of the region. There are even desserts, made from coconut milk for example, or honey with cinnamon. The dishes are prepared by Ayurvedic trained chefs, who tailor them specifically to the guest’s dosha type. The fresh ingredients come from the regional market – or directly from our own organic fruit, vegetable and herb garden. Warm water, Ceylon and herbal teas and exotic fruit juices are also served. A cooking course with health tips takes place once a week, so that guests can take the secrets of the Ayurveda way of life home with them and continue to practice them there. During the spa days, Dr. Upul his patients with naturopathic medicines from their own pharmacy. A good 70 percent of the medicinal plants grow in the Thaulle Garden – freshly harvested and chemical-free. The rest is bought from trustworthy, sustainable companies. All Ayurvedic treatments and medicines are certified by the Sri Lankan Ministry of Health. A good 70 percent of the medicinal plants grow in the Thaulle Garden – freshly harvested and chemical-free. The rest is bought from trustworthy, sustainable companies. All Ayurvedic treatments and medicines are certified by the Sri Lankan Ministry of Health. A good 70 percent of the medicinal plants grow in the Thaulle Garden – freshly harvested and chemical-free. The rest is bought from trustworthy, sustainable companies. All Ayurvedic treatments and medicines are certified by the Sri Lankan Ministry of Health.
Personal care and advice throughout the cure
The success of the Panchakarma cure is supervised by Dr. Upul personally. He invites guests to his practice for regular check-ups. There they tell him how they respond to the five main treatments – which include nasal cleansing, oil showers and enemas. The talks are held in English; the therapy center can provide German-speaking supervisors on request. You can do yoga several times a week; the professional classes take place in the beautiful yoga loft overlooking the lake. Of course, all hotel guests in Thaulle can enjoy the massage and yoga offer as well as individual Ayurveda treatments – even without a cure. Whether acupuncture or forehead affusion, foot, face or back massage: these benefits can be booked spontaneously on site. The team around Dr. Upul consists of qualified therapists and masseurs, who understand their craft brilliantly, give their guests a warm welcome and treat them with love. After the treatments there is tea, like the blood-cleansing one iramusu . “Not to be confused with tiramisu ,” says Dr. Upul with a wink. Then you stay a little longer in a deck chair or in a hammock under the coconut palms, listen to the call of a peacock and watch the water buffalo bathe…
Interview with dr Upul M. Rajapakshe
»Ayurveda means above all: Prevention. Prevention is better than cure.”
dr Upul – do you strictly follow the rules of classical Ayurveda teachings, or have you developed your own style?
dr Upul: »Here in Thaulle we practice a mixed form, but each treatment is based on the principles of Ayurveda. I come from an Ayurveda family: my father, my brother, my wife – we are all Ayurveda doctors. We practice classic, traditional medicine, but within the family we have also developed our special forms of treatment that have little to do with western medicine. Incidentally, no two treatments are the same: every guest receives a personal treatment from us. This depends on his physical condition – the health issues and complaints – and of course on the Ayurveda type. So: We offer our guests an individual cure based on Ayurvedic principles.«
What complaints do Europeans come to you with and how can you help them?
dr U.: »In general, anyone who wants to improve their health through detoxification and cleansing can do a Panchakarma regimen. Of course, guests also come to us with their chronic illnesses: arthritis, joint pain or high blood pressure. Often they have been treated with all sorts of pills for quite a while. Your medical history is very important to us. We check which medications our guests are taking, check their X-rays and laboratory values or whether they have a pacemaker. After the evaluation, we consider what else we can do for you. Of course they continue to take their beta blockers here, but we also support their problems with Ayurvedic medicine. We measure their blood pressure and blood sugar daily and sometimes it is possible to reduce their medication a little during the cure – carefully and step by step. Or we recommend discussing a reduction with your family doctor.
Ayurveda offers us the wonderful opportunity to relax our body and mind. With his methods we manage to lose weight or reduce stress. 99 percent of all Ayurveda treatments have no side effects or contraindications. We can also successfully treat other chronic diseases – such as digestive problems, haemorrhoids, allergies or bronchitis. And of course our guests also benefit from the beautiful weather in Sri Lanka, which helps against many ailments. After the cure, people often feel a big difference. Most of them are doing much better.«
Would you please explain how a panchakarm cycle works?
dr U.: ‘It takes place in three phases or stages. There is a preliminary stage in which we prepare our body and mind for the Panchakarma cure. In the main phase we apply our five main treatments – depending on the doshas, i.e. the personal Ayurveda types. In the final phase, we discuss with our patients how they can continue with the better diet at home – and how they can continue to lead a balanced, healthy life in the future. This is one of the most important questions in Ayurveda: How can we improve our physical condition? After all, that is what Ayurveda literally means: ‘knowledge of life’. We provide our guests with a wealth of information, with wisdom, so to speak. Of course, we cannot always follow the rules one hundred percent. I think we’re pretty good already if we follow them 90 percent. Above all, Ayurveda also means: Prevention. Prevention is better than cure.”
At Thaulle they offer excellent food to all hotel guests; you put together a personal menu for the spa guests. Every dosha type gets its nutrition plan?
dr U.: “Yes. After the diagnosis, which takes place in the preliminary stage, I know which foods are most suitable for the dosha type of the spa guest. I then discuss a special diet plan for him or her with the kitchen. For example, I discuss with the restaurant team that cabbage is not optimal for someone with a Vata disorder or that okra and cucumber are not for a Kapha disorder. Our kitchen team is well trained and has special Ayurveda knowledge. It serves the guest both his food and medicines for breakfast, lunch and dinner. In the high season, when we have a buffet in the restaurant, the dishes are marked with ‘V’, ‘P’, ‘K’. If there are any questions, I’m there. I’m available to the kitchen almost 24 hours.«
Do you actually always lose weight during a Panchakarma cure?
dr U.: »Yes, normally one loses weight during the cure. If you eat very little sugar and carbohydrates, don’t drink alcohol, and do yoga, you can lose four or five kilos in two weeks. Some even lose seven or eight kilos and can maintain their weight in the long run. This distinguishes Ayurveda cures from the drastic fasting cures that many in Europe do. With the latter, you lose weight quickly because you don’t eat anything, but you regain it after a few weeks. Or even more than before. I advise my guests not to skip a main meal. It is very important to eat three meals a day. Irregular eating upsets the body and digestion.«
What are our worst dietary sins?
dr U.: »When eating, we have to learn to take in the right quantity and quality. The reality is this: In the morning, people jump out of bed, into their cars, stop at the bakery and have a quick breakfast on the way to work. They eat lunch in front of the computer or while watching TV. When you do that, you don’t even realize what you’re eating — let alone how much. It’s bad for the body. I think it’s okay if the meal only lasts 10-15 minutes, as long as you’re concentrating on the food. It’s also okay to celebrate with friends, to have fun and to go overboard from time to time. We shouldn’t forbid ourselves anything. It would be perfect if we could permanently cut down on bad foods and just eat more of the good stuff. By the way, at the end of the cure we give our guests nutritional tips. You will receive a list created for you personally, which contains everything you eat more often – and what you should refrain from eating if possible.
Regular drinking is also important. I advise against artificial drinks like lemonade or cola. It’s also not good to drink a lot while eating. This can dilute the gastric juice, and this has an adverse effect on digestion. Our recommendation is: do not drink anything 45 minutes before and after a main meal. This is also part of the cure in Thaulle: that our guests learn to do some things better. In this way, they can reduce their weight and cholesterol, blood sugar, high blood pressure or stress. This is how they learn to relax and improve their quality of life.«
What are the positive effects that you feel immediately after a cure?
dr U.: »The best thing you can feel is: yourself. Many guests have less pain, many feel lighter, more free, more relaxed. You feel less stress, your digestion works better and your sleep is more restful. This means: the body works perfectly and reacts in a positive way. When you’re back home, you can have your doctor check your heart, liver and blood values - and compare the laboratory results with those from before the treatment. These values often improve with a Panchakarma cure.«